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The Truth About Root Canal Treatment 

You may not know this, but root canals are fraught with controversy. Many dentists no longer do root canals, and scientific research is shedding light on the procedure’s risks. Despite this, the American Dental Association and other professional groups maintain that they are safe. What is the real story behind root canals? Should you get one? Today, talk to a dentist in Brooklyn, New York, to learn more. 

What exactly is a root canal? 

A root canal is a technique that removes dead tissue and microorganisms from a deep canal before filling it. The cavity is drilled down into the root to conclude the surgery. A root canal is intended to preserve the tooth, which is normally desirable for functional chewing and aesthetic appearances. Even though the tooth is still there, it is deemed dead. 

Is all of the bacteria gone? 

According to scientific evidence, a Root Canal does not eliminate all microorganisms from an infected area. In most cases, approximately 40% of bacteria are eliminated. At least some germs remained after the Root Canal in every case evaluated by researchers.

What are the risks? 

Bacteria left behind after a Root Canal can cause various health issues. While many bacteria are ubiquitous in the mouth, they become problematic when they cause an illness. Malaise, inflammation, and abscesses in the head or neck are some of the problems that can arise. Oral infections might sometimes cause seemingly unrelated health issues. 

Myths and misinformation about the dangers 

According to an article released by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), much of the dread associated with root canal therapy appears to have stemmed from poorly done research dating back to the early 1900s. Although much of this misinformation still circulates on the internet, the AAE has tried to dispel numerous persistent fallacies about endodontic treatment. 

These misleading root canal risks should not dissuade you from receiving this necessary tooth-saving treatment. Because to root canal pain control procedures such as anesthetics, the treatment is relatively painless. 

What should I do? 

A root canal is not the only option available. The tooth should be extracted to completely release the bacteria and heal the area. You have various alternatives from there, including several dental implant procedures, a bridge, or a partial. Each option has pros and cons. You should discuss the options with a trusted and experienced dentist to determine what is right for you. It is important to get expert opinions, so schedule an appointment with one today. 

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